

tirsdag 10. mai 2011

My crib for the next 2 years

Hello, world!
So.. My plan for the first post was to write about a big happening in my life: my internship in China! Buuuut.. Since I FINALLY have found myself an apartment I had to blog about it. WUHUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

Below is some pictures of the apartment and as you can see I got a pretty sweat deal! The size of the room is perfectly big enough for my keyboard and it's situated pretty close to town! That's one of the main reasons why I decided to rent the room. I want to be closer to the core of Bergen, to the center in other words. The ideal is that the futured Anita Bui will cycle to school every day, bring her lunch and sign up for the salsa classes.
Time will show!

I haven't signed the contract yet but the owner will come to Bergen as soon as possible with his two nephiews I'm going to be living with.

I'm so excited!!! :-D

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