

mandag 30. mai 2011

16 hours on the train -> 24 hours at home

I just got out of the shower. I spent 8 hours on the train today. I feel dizzy and like I'm about to get sick. I threw up and managed to fall asleep on the train. Due to my allergy my nose was blocked, and the result was that together with the old lady next to me we pretty much had a "snore show". A piece of my female pride died right there and then.
The old woman was nice and we talked a lot. I didn't manage to study. I'm terrified for tomorrow. Now I'm lying in my bed. Think I'm going to sleep early and make sure that I'm not sick tomorrow.
Quick update:
My dearest friend, Vymi, and Xa picked me up. The train couldn't leave the station on time due to some idiots who crossed the train tracks. I was on the trainstation in Moss about 2 am. Xa was drunk and puked on the car window. I can tell you that it didn't exactly smell like roses.

Me and my sister prepared a fantastic breakfast. My parents didn't know that I was coming home. Hehe. Me and my sister was talking in the kitchen. Before I knew it my mother was standing in front of me only with her pantie and sweater on. "Minh Chau!" she yelled. She was so thrilled. I gave her a huge hug. I also gave ger the massage oil and the "feet thingy" since she had her birthday a few weeks ago. After breakfast I studied. Next stop: Anette and Diep = happy reunion and we planned their birthday celebration. My mom called and shortly after that I was home eating "wan tanh" (I think it's spelled that way) with my ex boyfriend, Xa. We ended up talking in his car as we normally do. He kissed my cheek. We made out. I've missed him!
It was raining outside. My sister called me and I had to go.
My mother, father, my sister and I talked in the newly refurbished livingroom. Then it was bed time. I called Vymi and we talked for about an hour.

Next morning my mother and I walked down to the train station. We talked about life, our family and my dad and Xa. I could see the sorrow in her eyes when I stepped on the train. I will miss her. Once again it was time to say goodbye.

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