

lørdag 21. mai 2011

A call that made the call

My father called me today. He was happy! "Minh Châu, I looked at this house at Finn.no today and we might buy it. Hehehehe" (he said something like that. It doesn't get 100 % right when you're translating from Vietnamese to English). The first thought that stroked me was: "Oh, boy. I have already accepted to rent the room in Sandviken! What now?" Why did he suddenly decide to buy an apartment? We had discussed this before I went on this massive crib hunt and he said that it wasn't an option. ÅH.

The situation: it will take some time to find an apartment, but not as long as two years (the room contract is for 2 years minimum).
My new room
So.. I called Helga Marie and said that I was going to move in with her and Sigrid (she has just bought a house and sent me a message the other day and asked me if I was interested in renting the remaining room. It's tiny, but has big enough space for a bed and a cabinet). We had a "hallelujah moment". It's going to be so much fun to live with them!!! I see taco-dinners, salsa classes and crazy Alias nights and lots of laughs and lovely excursions to the mountains. We're gonna have a blass!

I continued my calling round and spoke with Mewish. I told her about the situation and her mood was like a downward sloping curve (I felt so bad about the whole thing!). "It's too bad, but I do understand". That was it. We are going to "hook up" when they move here to Bergen, so it's not the end of "us"! Next call: her uncle. Once again I explained the situation and he accepted it right away. "Okay, and don't feel guilty about it. I understand", he said. He's such a nice man (haven't met him, but he seems very kind)!

The apartment is really nice, so this is my second sweat deal in a way. It's cheaper than the last apartment (3500 kroner each month) and I'm renting it from August instead of July. Oh yeah! :-) Unfortunately it's situated about 15 minutes away from town by bus, but yeye.. Everything can't be perfect (does perfection even excist?)!

Below are some pictures of the apartment.

The bathroom :)

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