

tirsdag 17. mai 2011

Hurray! 17.mai - the national day in Norway

I woke up today at 06.15. The alarm went off. One of my friends in Oslo, Thea, had sent me a message. "Happy day!<3" she wrote. I didn't manage to wake up and slept for another 20 minutes before I forced myself out of bed on my way to hit the shower. No shampoo and soap left. I put on my white summer dress and some make up. My roommate, Edda, and I walked to town together. It was so nice! On the way she realised that she had forgotten her whine. "Ahhhh". "I always forget something!" (me too sister, I thought to myself). "And I always manage to get late, so.. I'm not going back. I will be on time this time" (I could need some of that mindset as well!)

Chen and I on the street.
Photographer: Morten Sortland

I was late. I was suppose to meet my lovely "sister from another mister", Chen or Cung (we have the same nick name for each other) at 07.45 and met her at 08.00. She looked summer sweet and classy! Chinese people are so beautiful! We went to the Red Cross office and prepared and ate breakfast. Alex Hsi was surprisingly also there! He's this really special and straight forward guy and a good friend of both of us. Smoked salmon, omelet, baguettes, jam, cucumber, ham (spekeskinke) and tea and juice was on the menu. I was fulled. (My roommate just called. Looks like we're watching "500 days of summer" tonight!).
To wrap it up shortly (I have to study now): the 17th May parade was cool! Great music and the mood was ecstatic. Narvesen sold "kroneis" for half its normal price; only 10 kroners (jupp, you got to be a millionaire to live here in Norway). That made my day. Hehe. After watching the parade and go paparazzi wild with the camera (Chen has the photos) and eating hot dogs at Alexes' place we went to Torgallmenningen. We observed several people trying to climb up this 10 meter high timber. It was slippery and one guy actually managed to get all the way to the top! Incredible! I also bought myself sunglasses. The plan was to study when I got home. I had decided not to go to a 17th May dinner at my friend's house. The result: I slept for more than 2 hours. Åh, ANITA!

PS: One question I've been trying to figure out is: do I really want to study at NHH. I mean.. Am I doing this for me or for my parents, status and so on? And.. How can we construct a metric that not only values financial status?

2 kommentarer:

  1. aww! jeg sov i 2 timer jeg og! jeg ble bare sååå trøtt!!
    jeg tenker ofte på spørsmålet som du stilte også.. vi er så ung og noen ganger vet vi ikke hva vi vil ha, eller hva som er i det heletatt bra for oss.. jeg har ikke peiling på hva som kommer til å skje i fremtiden, tilbringer NHH virkelig "financial status" for fremtiden, eller er NHH kanskje en billett til mye forskjellige? Kanskje det vi trenger er tid.. og lucky for oss, vi har ganske mye av det..
    men jeg syns du burde fullføre bachelor da cung!=(.. Jeg likte bloggen din skikkelig forresten!! og jeg liker at den er på engelske :D <3

  2. Hahaha, skjønner deg godt! Jeg som bare skulle ta meg en liten power nap.
    Ja, du sier noe der altså. Vet bare ikke om vi blir noe klokere med tiden. Jeg har i alle fall ikke blitt noe sikrere på hva jeg vil, tvert imot.
    NHH er nok billetten til mye bra, og forhåpentligvis får vi oss en god jobb. Ja, tid er faktisk det vi har mest av.
    If you say so! ÅH, så glad for at du går på NHH cung!!!
    Tusen takk! I do fancy it too. Hehe. Må finpusse engelsken min før jeg drar til Kina vett. Gleder meg til å se mer av "Chennytube"(?)!
