

lørdag 16. juli 2011

An amazing experience

In the reception at the hotel in Tianjing. Ready to check out and heading to the train station to Fuyang.
The summer camp is starting tomorrow. Excited!

1 month old egg and chicken. It wasn't that bad and is actually very good with "chao" (rise soup)

Met Steve Rogers and Mr. Jou for the first time. They were in charge of the planning and the whole project.
He has been the manager for several similar projects in India as well. A fantastic man and he likes going to bars.

We're on the stage at the opening ceremony and this is the view: about 100 students. (I was freaking out)

At the farewell dinner for Jeffery from Canada. He was on another project but came with us since it was finished.

Fulled and happy. Next stop: KTV!

Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber, Pink and Chinese songs. 

Adrian knew "My Hump" surprisingly well. HAHA. He was waaay better than me. Laettis.

"Can't recover". Got to love Chinglish!

With Mandy from the Netherlands and we're on our way to see the Chrystal Caves.

The Chrystal Caves

Anna Yang tried her very best to be our translator. 

Me trying to figure out how to use it...

The trainees!

At a green tea factory. The lady was pretty funny. 

At a street in Hanzou. He these incredible figures using some sort of steal.  We  found a pretty nice street with local food here and I tried street food for the first time. Octopus, shrimps, "Chinese kebab" and soup was on the menu. Yummey! It was SO good. Too bad we don't have it near the hotel.

Today Adrian and I went on a date. He asked me and we went to a restaurant Bryan had recommended for us. It was strange walking in an empty restaurant because it closed at 9 pm which was in about 20 minutes.. Bryan didn't tell us that but we could sit there as long as we wanted. The service in China is incredible!!!
 We sat down just to look at the menu but the waiter served us water right away so we decided to stay there. Guess what? When she was about to give me the water she spilt it all over me. How lucky am I... Adrian was laughing. What a jerk :P The food was good and especially that green tea milk drink I had. After the dinner went to a game place on the upper floor and played a stupid shooting game (had to shoot garlic at ghosts). He showed some shooting skills at a CS - ish game and we shot some hoops as well. The next stop was the bubble tea store while waiting for James.

We met Bryan's friend James the other day and here we are sitting in his family's sofa. His father owns a factory which makes all of the furnitures in the Ancient city. We went to play pool that day. Bryan and Shahadil was waiting for us in the pool house. When we got there they had been playing for about two hours already so Shahadil went home but Bryan stayed there to play with us. James has been playing since he was five years old so Adrian and I vs James and Bryan didn't go our way. We played three times and lost each play. No surprise there but we had a great time. Adrian managed to shoot the white ball down when he spread the balls. I cracked. That change in his face from Mr wannabe pro to "fuck" was hilarious!

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