

onsdag 6. juli 2011

Anita in China!

So I finally have access to blogspot!
Have to be quick since I'm about to go to the store to print out materials for the classes. Can't believe I'm there English teacher. It has been a big challenge but so far also a whole lot of fun. My China adventure is unbelievably great!!!! I love it here!!!

Some flashbacks:
The first three days I was in Beijing with Chen Cui and her family. The Great Wall, the silk market, The temple of Heaven, The Forbidden City, The Tiananmen Square and KTV (karaoke): check, check and double check. 
The sights were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I'm going back to the Great wall when my brother comes since we didn't actually see that much due to the heavy fog.
KTV: HAHAHHAA. Too bad we don't have that kind in Norway! Went out with a group from Yale and some trainees. 

The silk market: had to bargain like a mad woman.

New food and drinks: bao dse (white buns with meat), donkey baguette, mini - eggs, Mung bean drink, peeking duck

NB: met Anna from New Jersey (she is lovely and full of energy!), Anastazja and Kasia from Poland and Mandy from Holland (Mill: wandered around at the subway to try to look for her for about 2 hours. Had passed her before that but didn't know that she was colored. I was out of credit on my phone so we couldn't reach each other. Jupp.. Both of us have to have credit in order to call one another. Blaeh.) 

Next stop was Tianjin.
I met Adrian and Simo from the States and Bryan, the leader of this project. Sonia, my EP buddy in Tianjin, picked me up at the train station and we went to this cultural cafe and a magician was there waiting for me. How cool! He showed me loads of incredible crd tricks. MIND BLOWING!
For the next days I had: Chinese massage with Adrian (hard core.. She beat my legs up and pressed my back down pretty roughly. Couldn't breathe properly. But the foot massage was pretty good.), played pool with the guys: Robin and I vs. Adrian and Shawn. Won with one ball. Adrian, Wendy and I also went to the pool and we had to wear these swimming hats. O-M-G, I looked like a football! Not that attractive.. Anyways, during these 3 days I stayed at a home stay. She was lovely! (Don't remember her Chinese name..)
The second day I woke up at 6.30 to try yoga. The teacher could bend her every body parts so smoothly. I felt like a stick next to her. Haha. But it was a lot of fun! Wendy's mom taught me Tai Shi as well.

New food and drinks: the famous soya milk in Tianjin, special local fish dish (yummey)

Simo, Adrian and I went to Helen's (a cafe) and out clubbing. Met "David Guetta's double ganger" shaking like a crazy man on the dance floor... The next day pretty much all of the trainees met up in the hotel and I met Francesco and Cecilia from Italy. They are so nice!
We went to Helen's once more and for the first time I met a Norwegian citizen! His name was Dan.

Now I'm in Fuyang. It took us the whole day to get here. I started on my "The summer without men" book. 

Sorry.. Got to go now! Pictures will come soon :-)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Sounds awesome! Me want pics! I'm leaving for Hong Kong today to buy a new camera, The Phillipines in a few days, then back to Hong Kong, then to Taiwan and back to Hong Kong. If I'm lucky I might get a day trip to China as well :-D

  2. Hi Morten!
    Jupp, you should be looking forward to get to Hong Kong! I've heard it's an amazing city. I've met a guy from New Jersey which has parents from Hong Kong and he's there a lot so if you need any help with finding your way to sights or anything I can ask him for you :-)
    Nice! Enjoy your journey!
    I'll try to upload some pics tonight!
