

onsdag 14. mars 2012


So UKEN 12, the next biggest culture event on the west coast in Norway (http://uken.no/ ), has started for real. Last night I entered the tent of 40x40 meters together with about 2000 students with Tiesto was in the house! Or.. Tent to be precise.

Marlene, my roomate, and I went to a pre party where I basically talked with a guy named Andreas about childhood memories (Pokemon, HIMYM and such). At the point we were in the tent people went bananas and danced while pushing others. But as most people around me I was in a good mood and didn't pay much attention to it. Had a great time!

I met Marius that night and couldn't remember where we had met, but I finally got to it. When I started at NHH I went on an audition for all sports (allidrett) and turned out to be the only girl.. Since he had a Vietnamese girlfriend we spent a lot of time talking about the Vietnamese culture and such. "nuoc mam!" (fish sauce) and "chuc mung nam moi" (happy new year) he kept saying.

Another person I was talking to that night told us how she had forgotten about a girl several times and the girl had said to her "people always forget about me"... I need to start putting a bigger effort in remembering people i meet! It makes them feel important and it would probably make me look pretty smart as well = win win situtation. Hehe.
(PS: I've heard that it's a good thing to repeat a guy's name if you're interested in him)

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