

søndag 11. mars 2012

Project happiness

So I'm reading a book called "the happiness project" by Gretchen Rubin and I've started on my very own happiness project. Before I tell you more about that I'll just quickly give a recap on my past weeks.

A weekend in Krakow, 02.03.2012-04.03.2012:
Check: http://www.cracow-life.com/info/info.php

I was home the day before and arrived pretty late, but I ate dinner with my mom while talking with my sister about the trip before we went to bed.
NB! By mistake I had given the wrong time for when the bus was in Moss an my parents had to wait for about an hour. I was so mad at myself. Learning point (LP): don't rush when you're texting people to inform them about DDL, pick-up times and etc! Easily done and will make your life much harder.

Morning: went for a run to the center of Moss with mom. Lovely weather! Had dinner with the family before we went to the airport.
PS: I was worried that Ryanair wouldn't let us go on board because I had only written "Anita Bui and Linda Bui" as our names which didn't match our passports completely (full name: Minh Chau Anita Thi Bui and Linda Minh Trang Bui). I had tried to change the names online before check in, but then we had to pay about 2000 kroners!!! Can you believe that?! So I didn't... Thank god it was alright.

Talks on the plane: we wan't to learn Chinese. Benjamin Button. Krakow!

When we arrived at the airport we easily found our way to the city center by the free airport bus and then by the train (10 PLN per ticket). Don't take the cab! 20 minutes, or less, later we were there at Greg and Toms hostel. Tuns of diplomas stated that this was one of the worlds greatest hostels, if not the best, ahn receptionists gave us a warm welcome followed by shots during the tour around the house. They recommended us "U Babci Maliny: "Grandma's kitchen second location" which turned out to be one of the best restaurant I've been to!

Take a look at the picture and let it speak for itself. The piano man was very skilled and the food was delicious and quite cheap. Conclusion; a must if you're in Krakow!
We went to the market place and ended up lost on our way back. It took us about 1 hour, but on the brighter side we burned those calories away!

Saturday - salt mines here we come!
After the various and surprisingly good breakfast we were picked up at 09.20 by a guy through the company we had booked the tour at. It costed us 80 PLN each and after being in Krakow for one night we realized it was a tourist price. They ripped us off! It was a price we had agreed through mail a week before we came and nothing much to do with that. Tip: take the bus (didn't check it out, but it has to be one going there)!

The mine was curved from the 1300th century until now and it's still producing salt. We walked for 2,5 hours and saw 1 %. The funny guide claimed that it would take us 6 months to go through it all. "you can lick on the walls to try the salt if you want, but be aware that over a 1000 people probably have done it before you." HAHa. She had a lot of funny comments that made the trip even better!
The mine was amazing and you have to be there to see it yourself to know it.

The plan was also to have time for Go kart (http://www.crazystag.com/enquire-thankyou/krakow/
crazystag@gmail.com) but we went to the market and around the city in the sunny weather instead. Next: all you can eat, drink and play for 45 PLN per person! We ate, drank and went to this club near the hostel. Met a lot of people, some nice and others were just.. old, and had a lot of fun!

Sunday - last day! :-(

Tour with crazy guides was on the agenda this morning. We checked out at 10 and the guide was there to pick us up around then. He took us to Nowa Huta, a communist part of Krakow which was Stalins gift to the city. Check: http://www.crazyguides.com/krakow_tours/communism_tour_of_nowa_huta_district. We wen't to this communist restaurant, got some drinks, and he told us about the history of the town. After that we got to take that communist car out for a ride! My sister almost stopped the engine several times, but managed to keep it alive even though she has only had one driving lesson at the driver's school. He also drove us to see other buildings and parts of Krakow that he had told us about in the beginning. All in all it was a great tour and we strongly recommend it!

Dinner and shopping was next and my favourite store was Pull and Bear! To bad we don't have it here in Norway. The meal was very good too and we left Krakow with a promise to return!

Things I've been busy with: AIESEC-promtion: 10 interested in GIP and 4 has signed the contract for GCDP! We had a lot of fun with fortune cookies (examples: "discover love in China!" and "Hakuna Matata"), Red cross meetings: had infomeeting and dinner with the group of leaders, and I've been to Tone's birthday (met people outside NHH for once. Hehe) and during promotion I had a lecture bash which went very well!

My mom visited me on the 8 of March - 10th: she arrived with 23 kiloes of luggage which I had to drag up that monster of a hill we have to get to our appartment (took us 40 minutes!). We saw the Ukerevyen, ate great meals, went to her friends house and to the pool. I had such a great time with her. Finally some one and one time with my mom and just what I needed. The last morning I also joined my moms regular morning work out. HAHA, it was hilarious and a good workout as well.
After dropping my mom off the airport it was time for the AIESEC promotion celebration! I had prepared a speech and the evening was filled with speeched! Ladies speech, the guy speech, welcoming speech, OGX speech and a OGX poem. After tapas it was time to enter a bar and we went to Kaos! They tried to make me drink, but I only ended up having to glasses of whine. My plan was to study the next morning, so I wouldn't allow myself to cut loose.
Result: didn't sleep until 5 O'clock the next morning since Øyvind and I slept at Ingrid's house. Love was the topic that night and I realized that I do not want a man with a stomach! Oh... Anita.

So about that Project of happiness. I'm going to watch a Ted movie now, but get back to it soon :-)

PS: watch this video about Kony http://vimeo.com/37119711

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