

fredag 18. november 2011

AIESEC Christmas dinner, 19.11.2011

I just got in the door an I'm sitting here in my pink dress with so many thought (to the point girl!). Tonight I've gained my motivation in AIESEC 110 %. I thought I had got it back last week but tonight reminded me of why I spend so many hours every day working for this amazing organisation. In the Nordic circle Runar said in his speech that I was one of three persons that have had a huge impact on him this semester. I repeat: that I, Minh Chau Anita Thi Bui, was one of them! Can you believe that?! Looking back at that shy girl in fifth grade, who barely spoke unless she was in a classroom, to the girl that didn't have permission to be with her first boyfriend in seventh grade to the girl (or even woman) I'm looking in the mirror today I must say that I have grown - both in kilogrammes and as a person. Hehe. If you're just a random person reading this post and you've never heard about AIESEC: you need to JOIN US TODAY.
Definition of the Nordic circle: it's a tradition where the one with the bottle of liquor is the only one who can speak. After the speech you take a zip and pass it on to your fellow next to you with your left hand. Look it up on wikipedia. Well.. Back to the Nordic circle. His words really got to me and when Caroline also thanked me I was filled with pure joy.
Next year I'll give my best and contribute to take AIESEC to new heights. I can't seem to find the words. Tonight changed me and I want to keep this feeling. I'm in the state of mind where I feel that nothing is unbreakable and I can do whatever I set my mind to.
Plan: make my 5 years plan on the 16th of December.
Where is my ship going?
Start project value. Note to myself next semester: prioritise!!
"Don't take life too serious because one day it's going to be game over". I want school to be a better place for the students and I want the people in the society to be more happy! What a strange world we are living in: always competing with each other, focusing on the things we are missing, our looks and constantly complaining about the weather!

We talked about the dating culture here in Norway and came to the conclusion that there isn't any. "Facebook has destroyed our way of getting to know each other!" Runar said during this discussion at the Christmas table. He said something there because Facebook has changed the way we think about each other and has kind of replaced the first impression we have of people. I realised that I've never been asked on a date by someone I just met. It's not on my top of my wish list, but it would have been nice to experience that once in my life.
A huge thanks to everyone who made this night memorable. Tomorrow is a new day. Is it one thing I've learn from today is that what you invest in AIESEC you get back, sooner or later. AIESEC is its members and so much more than meets the eyes.
It's such a shame that most of the students at NHH haven't got this experience and that they can't see the value of being a member. I'm afraid that my parents will get furious at me if my exams doesn't go to well this semester. How can they? All they see is my grades and I need to be better at sharing these kind of moments with them in order for them to understand. I'm climbing tomorrow morning and needs to get to bed.

I'm hitting the shower!

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